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Unrequired Reading 

A place where I highlight my favorite words I've found (or written) over the past year. 

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The MadGals mission is two-fold: to cultivate a community of equality, collaboration, and creativity, and to prepare females to excel in the advertising world.

This vision guides Mad Gals to pursue methods that unite men and women in celebrating the divine female perspective.

2019 - 2020 Leadership

Claire Jensen | Account Manager

London Halls | Strategist

Lauren Finlinson | Copywriter

Caylee Riding | Art Director

Caroline Burke | Content Creator


Produce Section 


We gathered some of the most talented women in the Adlab and gave them the opportunity to teach different elements of film production. We held group discussions on scriptwriting, camera operation, wardrobing, and organization.​

Gallery Show 


The annual Mad Gals Gallery Show is a place for advertising students to display their work in the context of a meaningful theme. This year’s theme is Identities, and the show will take place the first week of February 2020.

Fresh Meat and Greet 


Getting accepted in to the BYU Adlab can be overwhelming. To take some of the pressure off, we host an event every semester to help newly admitted students get familiar with the opportunities available.

Write On! Workshops' 

Camp in a Box 

A monthly subscription box for nerdy kids who love to write, written and designed by a former nerdy kid who loved to write. 
Now available at

Based on the formula that has made Write On! Workshops summer camp a sell-out program since 2007, we've created Camp in a Box–a playful and empowering monthly writing experience for children ages 7 to 12.

Your monthly box includes:
  • A Homeroom Lesson with a new writing tool, sticker prompts, and challenges.
  • A Writing Club activity with supplies to help you share your writing with the world.
  • An Editing Tips card with insider tips for revision.
  • Fun Playbreak swag to help fight off writer's block.
  • A Little Inspiration Booklet.
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