When I was fifteen, I was cast as Miranda in a very unconventional production of The Tempest.
Guess who else played Miranda in an unconventional Tempest?
So I cut my hair exactly like Felicity Jones and tried to replicate her dress.
You don't get to see pics of that because I failed miserably, but I was very dedicated.
This was also the year I saw her perform in Northanger Abbey opposite JJ Field. I was very jealous.
Northanger Abbey is the second most hipster Jane Austen story you can be into. I felt pretty cool.
Also, Like Crazy.
Great film that goes forgotten way too easily. Felicity outshines Jennifer Lawrence of all people here.
When I was seventeen, I requested to be cast as Margot Frank in The Diary of Anne Frank.
Because guess who else played Margot Frank?
When she was nominated for an Oscar my heart exploded.
I love Julianne Moore but how could she have beaten my baby?!
She's also gone through life as the queen of nerd cameos.
Doctor Who and Spider-Man. I want to be her so badly.
And now y'all are going to fall in love with her in Star Wars Rogue One. Understand?