Finding your obscure celebrity doppelgänger
Making ice water
I'm really good at getting the perfect ratio of ice to water (which is more than you'd think) and friends/family members have genuinely taken notice of this. It's always my job at dinner parties.
Imitating other people's handwriting
This might not actually be such a useless skill if I didn't lead such a boring, law-abiding life.
Calling which child actors will become great adult actors
Called Tom Holland way back in 2014
Finding good excuses not to talk to you over the phone
Because speaking to strangers over a speaker is traumatizing.
Quoting from the movies of my childhood at length
As in, like, a good 30 minutes of The Incredibles
Throwing cards into a hat
As far as I know, I'm pretty above average in this arena, but there isn't much of a basis for comparison.
Pointing out what actors are from other shows/movies
@jmic we need to start a support group